Prizes and awards from ETH Zurich and D-HEST
Johannes Bohacek Runner-Up for ALEA Award 2024
The ALEA and Diversity Awards initiated by AVETH were presented on November 26, 2024, at a joint ceremony with the Vice Presidency for Personnel Development and Leadership (VPPL). Johannes Bohacek, Professor of Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience at D-HEST, was among the finalists for the ALEA Award.
ETH medal for six doctoral theses at D-HEST
At the request of the department, the Rector of ETH Zurich awards a total of six doctoral theses at D-HEST with the ETH medal 2024. Congratulations!
Golden Owl 2024 for Caroline Maake
On 16 November 2024, ETH Zurich celebrated the 169th anniversary of the university together with guests from research, politics and business. As part of the celebrations, the VSETH awarded the Golden Owl to one lecturer in each department.
Nici Wenderoth wins Dandelion Entrepreneurship Award 2024
For the fourth time, the "Dandelion Entrepreneurship Award for ETH Professors" was awarded to professors from each ETH department. It honors them for their outstanding commitment to promoting entrepreneurship at ETH Zurich.
Awards for Master graduates HST
The Willi Studer Prize and three ETH medals were awarded at the Master's graduation ceremony of the Health Sciences and Technology study programme on 31 May 2024.
Awards for Master students in Food Science
At the Master celebration of the study programmes Agricultural Sciences and Food Science, held on 19 April 2924 in the main building at ETH Zurich, the following prizes were awarded to graduates in Food Science.
Golden Owl 2023 for Horst Adelmann
At the ETH Day, which took place this year on November 18 in the main building of ETH Zurich, the VSETH Golden Owls were awarded as every year to particularly committed lecturers in each department. Horst Adelmann received the award at D-HEST.
ETH medal for nine doctoral theses at D-HEST
At the request of the department, the Rector of ETH Zurich awards a total of nine doctoral theses at D-HEST with the ETH medal. Congratulations!
Raffaele Mezzenga wins Dandelion Entrepreneurship Award 2023
For the third time, the "Dandelion Entrepreneurship Award for ETH Professors" was awarded to professors from each ETH department. It honors them for their outstanding commitment to promoting entrepreneurship at ETH Zurich.
MaP Award 2023 to Dr Riccardo Rizzo
Dr Riccardo Rizzo, who completed his doctoral studies at D-HEST with Prof. Marcy Zenobi-Wong this spring, was awarded the MaP Award at this year's MaP Graduate Symposium. Congratulations!