Regl. 2017: Majors

In the Master Programme one major can be chosen out of the following four majors:

Food Processing

This major emphasizes the components of engineering and usually leads to entry into the fields of process or equipment technology in the Food Science sector.

Food Quality and Safety

This major leads predominantly into the fields of product development, food production, and quality control.

Nutrition and Health

This major conforms to the profile requested by industry for product development and human nutrition.

Human Health, Nutrition and Environment

This major focuses on the effects of nutrition, infectious diseases, and pollutants on human health. This study programme enables working in the areas of nutrition, public health and the environment. This major is offered in conjunction with the study programme Environmental Sciences with the given subjects of the individual categories being especially coordinated. Details can be seen in the Guidelines and Course Catalogue.

Subject Categories

Each major consists of the following types of courses:

  • Disciplinary subjects, which make up the main part of the major.
  • Methodological subjects, which train in methods and tools.
  • Optional subjects, which refine the student's personal educational profile.

Lists of courses

The course lists can be seen in the current Study Guide (see Documents).