Types of examination

Session examination

Session examinations take place in the summer session (August) or in the winter session (January/February). Session examinations can be individual or combined into block examinations. In block examinations, all subjects must be taken in the same session and the grade point average of the individual weighted examinations must be at least 4.0. Details of the performance assessment are listed for each course unit in the course catalogue. Session examinations must always be registered in myStudies.

End-of-semester exam

The period for these examinations covers the last two weeks of the semester and the first two weeks of the subsequent semester break. The form of assessment (subject matter, mode, duration, language) will be announced by the lecturers at the beginning of the course. End-of-semester examinations must always be registered in myStudies.

Semester performance

Usually take place during the semester. Examinations at the end of the semester or during the semester break are also possible. Semester performances can be graded or ungraded. The form of the assessment (subject matter, mode, duration, language) is announced by the lecturers at the beginning of the course, but it is NOT possible to register or deregister in myStudies. Lecturers will provide information on registration or deregistration requirements and formalities. Students who do not take part in scheduled examinations must deregister directly with the lecturers.

Continuous performance assessments

Continuous performance assessements (CPA) may only be applied in course units which are assessed via session examinations or end-​of-semester examinations.

CPAs are assessments within the course unit that take place during the semester. They are part of the performance assessment, whereby the final examination in the examination session or at the end of the semester still forms the main part of the performance assessment.

Performance elements are described in full in the course catalogue in the field "Additional information on examination mode".

A distinction must be made between

  • Compulsory continuous performance assessments: compulsory
  • Interim examinations: recommended, but voluntary
  • Learning tasks: recommended, but voluntary

Repetition exams

A failed performance assessment can be repeated once (individual or block examination). Failure to appear at a registered examination is equivalent to failing and is decreed as "no show". The final transcript of records lists the most recent result (including failed examinations as well as no-shows of examinations that were not repeated).

If an examination block or the first-year examination is not passed, the entire examination block must be repeated. Failure to pass compulsory examination blocks twice will result in exclusion from the study programme.

Detailed information about examinations

See student portal