Legal basis
The doctorate is regulated by the Ordinance on the Doctorate at ETH Zurich and the associated Rector’s Implementation Provisions for the Ordinance on Doctoral Studies ETH Zurich. These documents define the basic elements for doctoral studies at ETH. The details are defined in the departments’ Detailed Stipulations.
The German documents are legally binding. They are available on the website of ETH Zurich at The English translations of these documents are for information purposes only and available on the English version of the mentioned webpage at
Finding a chairperson for aptitude colloquia and doctoral examinations
Doctoral students find a chairperson via the shared Outlook calendar "Doctoral Examination D-HEST". Instructions:
Travel cost claims
When traveling abroad for congresses/conferences or summer schools, an application for a contribution towards travel costs can be submitted to the Hochstrasser-Stiftung. Conditions:
- Swiss citizenship
- Doctoral student in the Food Science and Nutrition study direction
- An application to the Hochstrasser Foundation can be submitted only once during the entire duration of studies
Download Application form (PDF, 254 KB)
Note on page 2 of the form: Documents to be enclosed --> only second part ("Bei Anträgen für Teilnahme an Kongressen/Exkursionen") applies for doctoral students.
Forms and Templates
The most important forms in connection with the doctorate are available at the student portal.
The following forms are to be used in addition for D-HEST doctoral studies:
- Download vertical_align_bottom Doctoral Plan: Template D-HEST (DOTX, 35 KB)
- Download vertical_align_bottom Annual Progress Report: Template D-HEST (DOTX, 37 KB)
- Download vertical_align_bottom Annual Progress Report: Optional preparation form HAS (PDF, 82 KB)
- Download vertical_align_bottom Annual Progress Report: Optional preparation form HAS (DOCX, 35 KB)
- Download vertical_align_bottom Annual Status Conversation: Template D-HEST (DOTX, 43 KB)
- Download vertical_align_bottom Doctoral examination: Guidelines for examiners (PDF, 111 KB)