Prof. Dr. Eling de Bruin

Associate Professor Maastricht University

Area of Interest

Prevention of fall accidents in the elderly, body structure and function, development of body fixed sensors

Tutor for Major MSc HST:

  • Human Movement Science and Sport
  • Medical Technology
  • Neurosciences
  • Rehabilitation and Inclusion
de Bruin Eling


Prof. Dr. Eling de Bruin
Lecturer at the Department of Health Sciences and Technology
  • HCP H 25.1
  • +41 44 632 40 18
  • Email

Inst. f. Bewegungswiss. und Sport
Leopold-Ruzicka-Weg 4
8093 Zürich

Prerequisites a student should comply with

The student should be motivated on learning. He/she should have an interest in Exercise Science, signal analysis, Matlab coding, and (neuro)rehabilitation.

Recommended master courses (Electives I+II of Learning Agreement of the Major)

376‐0202‐00  Neural Control of Movement and Motor Learning
376‐0204‐00  Trainingswissenschaften
376‐0221‐00  Advanced Topics in Neural Control of Movement
376‐0225‐00  Physical Activities and Health
376‐1150‐00  Clinical Health Science‐Platform
376‐1217‐00  Rehabilitation Engineering I: Motor Functions
376‐1306‐00  Clinical Neuroscience
376‐1660‐00  Writing, Reporting and Communication
376‐1719‐00  Statistics for Experimental Research
376‐1720‐00  Application of MATLAB in the Human Movement Sciences
376‐1721‐00  Bone Biology and Consequences for Human Health
701‐1704‐01  Health Impact Assessment: Concepts and Case Studies
752‐6101‐00  Dietary Etiologies of Chronic Disease
752‐6105‐00  Epidemiology and Prevention

Research projects of the group

  • Investigate the effects of physical training with added mental exercises on higher order gait in elderly.
  • Investigate the effect of training in 2-D & 3-D virtual reality environments in elderly.
  • Investigate the interaction effects of physical training with nutritional supplements on brain functions in elderly.
  • Develop, integrate and field test an innovative virtual reality based rehabilitation platform, which allows patients, discharged from hospital, to continue rehabilitation at home under remote monitoring by the hospital.