

One year earlier than planned the pilot study programme "Bachelor in Human Medicine" becomes a regular course at ETH Zurich. Article in ETH News


In the autumn semester 2017 the first 100 students start with the new bachelor's programme in Human Medicine at D-HEST. Article in ETH News about the first day


The new Department of Health Sciences and Technology was inaugurated at the beginning of 2012 focusing on the profound societal impact in the field of health. Professors from the areas of medical engineering, movement sciences and sport, neurosciences, and food and nutrition have teamed up for research and teaching. Inauguration of the Department of Health Sciences (ETH Life article in German, 11 January 2012)


In autumn 2011, the new study programme “Health Sciences and Technology” was started. Launch of a new study programme (ETH Life article in German, 20 September 2012)


In April 2010, the Executive Board of ETH Zurich announces the establishment of a new department with the working title HEST (Health Sciences and Technology).

Establishment of a new department (ETH Life article in German, 26 April 2010)

Focus on health, resources, and environment (ETH Zürich press release in German, 26 April 2010)