Prof. Dr. Jess Snedeker

Area of Interest

Cell and Matrix Mechanics, Mechanobiology, Orthopedic Biomechanics

Tutor for Majors MSc HST:

  • Medical Technology
  • Molecular Health Sciences
Enlarged view: Jess Snedeker


Prof. Dr. Jess Gerrit Snedeker
Full Professor at the Department of Health Sciences and Technology
  • +41 44 510 73 30
  • Email

Professur f. Orthopäd. Biomechanik
Lengghalde 5
8008 Zürich

Prerequisites a student should comply with

Students must have a Bachelor in Health Sciences and Technology, or an equivalent undergraduate foundation with strong emphasis on on mechanics, physics and mathematics. Students should be interested to work on clinically relevant research and development projects related to the musculoskeletal system. These projects bridge engineering-based technologies to medicine and biology, and often focus on the quantitative study of basic musculoskeletal biology at the tissue, cell, and/or molecular level.

Recommended master courses (Electives I+II of Learning Agreement of the Major)

376-1397-00     Orthopaedic Biomechanics
376-1721-00     Bone Biology and Consequences for Human Health
376-1712-00     Finite Element Analysis in Biomedical Engineering
376-1392-00     Mechanobiology: Implications for Development, Regeneration and Tissue Engineering
376-1614-00     Principles in Tissue Engineering
376-1622-00     Practical Methods in Tissue Engineering
376-1620-00     Skeletal Repair
376‐1974‐00     Colloquium in Biomechanics
227-0447-00     Image Analysis and Computer Vision
227‐0946‐00     Molecular Imaging ‐ Basic Principles and Biomedical Applications

Research projects of the group

  • Quantitative and Functional Imaging of Cells and Extracellular Matrix under Mechanical Load
  • Multiscale Experimental Soft Tissue Biomechanics
  • Tissue Engineering Model Systems and Regenerative Medicine
  • Basic Study of the Role of Mechanics In Connective Tissue Disease