Performance assessments

Performance assessments are based on the credit system of the Bologna declaration. To receive credit points a performance assessment is required. It can have various forms (oral or written examinations; written reports and theses; presentations; active participation in courses/excursions).

Annual overview

Overview of the types of examinations

This list is for your orientation. Detailed and binding information on all performance assessments is published on the student portal.

* The type of the performance assessment, including continuous performance assessments, is bindingly specified for each course unit in the course catalogue.

** Additional performance assessments during the semester are possible for the examination types session and end-of-semester examinations. These are the continuous performance assessments (CPA), which can be "Compulsory continuous performance assessments", "Interim examinations" or "Learning tasks". The CPAs are listed in the course catalogue, details will be announced by the lecturers.

*** The dates for registering for or deregistering from session and end-of-semester examinations are announced by the Examinations Office (Academic Services). If necessary, the procedure for registering for and deregistering semester performances will be announced by the lecturers.

Detailed information about examinations

See student portal