Regular and Extended Doctoral Studies, Credit Points
All doctoral students at D-HEST have to acquire 12 credit points during their doctoral studies.
A credit point requires a work effort of 25 to 30 hours. For the awarding of credit points, an individual performance confirmed by a certificate of performance is required.
Regulations for Credit Points - Doctoral students studying under the PREVIOUS regulations
The regulations as per Annex 1 of the Detailed Stipulations for Doctoral Studies at D-HEST (Download German version (PDF, 495 KB), Download English version (PDF, 555 KB)) apply:
- A minimum of one third of the credit points required for the approval of student assessments must be obtained outside the field of research (i.e. BSc/MSc programmes).
- To receive credit points, performance assessments for courses from the ETH Zurich Course Catalogue may differ upon agreement with the responsible lecturers from the performance assessments listed in the Course Catalogue for Bachelor or Master students.
- Participation in committees of D-HEST, in ETH Zurich members associations or selection committees is awarded with a maximum of 2 credit points.
- Participation with presentation (oral or poster) at scientific congresses is awarded with 1 credit point for each contribution (up to a maximum of 2 credit points).
The Study Program Coordinator is responsible for the approval of the performance assessments. The credit points have to be confirmed before the doctoral examination on the registration Download form (PDF, 934 KB):
- Food Science and Nutrition: Dr. Jeannette Nuessli Guth, Study Programme Coordinator
- Health Sciences and Technology: Dr. Roland Müller, Study Programme Coordinator
Please note that credit points acquired in courses from outside the ETH Course Catalogue will not be entered into the system and therefore not be visible in myStudies. As such credit points cannot be reported in an official academic record, it is not possible to receive a certificate (transcript of records) after completion of the doctoral studies.
For the reporting and approval of the acquired credit points, the confirmation sheet of course attendance for doctoral students supplied by the Rectorate must be used.
Regulations for Credit Points – Doctoral students studying under the NEW regulations
For doctoral students who enrolled after 1 January 2022 and all doctoral students who decided to change to the new regulations (= option to all doctoral students with provisional admission on 1 January 2022), the following regulations apply:
- ETH Zurich Ordinance on the Doctorate (refer to Section 5 and Art. 65) (collection of legal documents at ETH Zurich)
- Rector’s Implementation Provisions for the ETH Zurich Ordinance on the Doctorate (refer to Art. 10) (collection of legal documents at ETH Zurich)
- Detailed Stipulations for Doctoral Studies at D-HEST (Download German version (PDF, 495 KB), Download English version (PDF, 555 KB)) (refer to Art. 11)
Credit points must be acquired in each of the following three categories:
- Consolidation of knowledge in the research area of the doctoral thesis and the extension of knowledge beyond the original discipline, e.g., through attendance of courses designed especially for doctoral students, regular Master’s degree courses or courses from the third year of Bachelor’s degree studies
- Acquisition of transferable skills, e.g., by attending soft-skills or language courses or by participating in ETH Zurich bodies or committees
- Integration into the scientific community, e.g., by attending international conferences or summer schools
At least one third of the required 12 credits must be acquired outside the field of research (transferable skills).
At least one ECTS credit must be acquired in good scientific practice & ethics (category 2, transferable skills).
A maximum of 2 credits can be awarded for international conferences.
A maximum of 2 credits can be awarded for the participation in ETH Zurich bodies or committees.
The doctoral thesis supervisor is responsible for the approval of the performance assessments. The credit points have to be confirmed before the doctoral examination on the Download registration form (PDF, 934 KB):
- Food Science and Nutrition & Health Sciences and Technology: e-mail to Doctoral Administration D-HEST
Please note that the doctoral student will be responsible for entering all courses and other achievements in myStudies.
As the credit points will be reported in an official academic record, the doctoral student will receive a certificate (transcript of records) after completion of the doctoral studies.
Extended doctoral studies must be completed only by those doctoral students whose admission to doctoral studies was contingent on the fulfilment of additional requirements. The objectives of extended doctoral studies are to extend and deepen knowledge in the research area of the doctoral thesis.
Extended doctoral studies may comprise a maximum of 30 credit points. These must be acquired in addition to the 12 credit points credits required for regular doctoral studies.
The Doctoral Commission of the department decides on the requirements for extended doctoral studies in consultation with the supervisor of the doctoral thesis.
The doctoral thesis supervisor and the doctoral student agree on the study achievements to be completed, set out in an individual study plan which is a component of the doctoral plan.