Prof. Dr. Johannes Bohacek

Area of Interest

Molecular and Behavioural Neuroscience

Tutor for Major MSc HST:

  • Neurosciences
Prof. Dr. Bohacek


Prof. Dr. Johannes Bohacek
Associate Professor at the Department of Health Sciences and Technology
  • Y17 L 52
  • +41 44 633 87 51
  • Email

Institut für Neurowissenschaften
Winterthurerstrasse 190
8057 Zürich

Prerequisites a student should comply with

You should have a solid background in biology and be fascinated by neuroscience. You need to be curious, creative and driven enough to tolerate failure and find innovative solutions to challenging problems. A strong work ethic and excellent grades are expected, skills in computational analyses are advantageous. We need team players who are able to organize their work independently.

Recommended master courses (Electives I+II of Learning Agreement of the Major)

227-1037-00 Introduction to Neuroinformatics
227-1051-00 Introduction to Systems Neuroscience
376-1305-00 Development of the Nervous System
376-1305-01 Neural Systems for Sensory, Motor and Higher Brain Functions
376-1414-00 Current Topics in Brain Research
376-1307-00 Translational Neuroscience
401-0629-00 Applied Biostatistics
535-0810-00 Gene Technology
636-0101-00 Systems Genomics
851-0251-00 Psychedelic Science (D-GESS)

Research projects of the group

Our research group is interested in understanding the organism-wide consequences of stress. We use mice as a model organism to study how the complex stress-response leads to organism-wide changes that can strongly influence health and disease. We focus on the impact of stress on the brain as well as on the germline. In the brain, we try to decipher the molecular and circuit mechanisms of stress-induced anxiety. In the germline, we study how stress can induce epigenetic changes in sperm cells, which can affect the development of the offspring. These two levels of analysis require very different technical approaches, ranging from basic molecular techniques to optogenetics and chemogenetics, from behavior analyses to in vivo brain recordings, from single-cell analyses to transcriptomic and proteomic approaches.