Prof. Dr. Robert Riener
Area of Interest
Sensory-Motor Systems, Rehabilitation Engineering, Robotics
Prerequisites a student should comply with
Basic understanding and interest in mathematics, physics, mechanics, mechatronics, and Matlab.
Recommended master courses (Electives I+II of Learning Agreement of the Major)
Human Movement Science and Sport:
376-0202-00 Neural Control of Movement and Motor Learning
376-0204-00 Trainingswissenschaften
376-0224-00 Clinical Exercise Physiology
376-0225-00 Physical Activities and Health
376-1150-00 Clinical Challenges in Musculoskeletal Disorders
376-1168-00 Sports Biomechanics
376-1179-00 Applications of Cybernetics in Ergonomics
376-1217-00 Rehabilitation Engineering I: Motor Functions
376-1651-00 Clinical and Movement Biomechanics
376-1660-00 Writing, Reporting and Communication
376-1719-00 Statistics for Experimental Research
376-1720-00 Application of MATLAB in the Human Movement Sciences
376-1722-00 Paraplegie und Sport
Medical Technology:
151-0604-00 Microrobotics
363-0790-00 Technology Entrepreneurship
363-1065-00 Design Thinking: Human-Centred Solutions to Real World Challenges
376-1179-00 Applications of Cybernetics in Ergonomics
376-1217-00 Rehabilitation Engineering I: Motor Functions
376-1219-00 Rehabilitation Engineering II: Sensory and Vegetative Functions
376-1279-00 Virtual Reality in Medicine
376-1400-00 Transfer of Technologies into Neurorehabilitation
376-1651-00 Clinical and Movement Biomechanics
376-1660-00 Writing, Reporting and Communication
376-1724-00 Appropriate Health System Design
401-0629-00 Applied Biostatistics
636-0003-00 Biological Engineering and Biotechnology
Research projects of the group
- Arm Rehabilitation Robotics: Assistance-as-needed, error augmentation, automatic adjustments, individualised training, multi-patient setup
- Textile Exoskeletons: human biomechanics, sensors and actuators, intention detection, feasibility studies with human test subjects and neurological and myopathy patients
- Human motor learning: Robot-assisted visual and auditory feedback, haptic guidance, individualised training
- Sleep research: Rocking bed, polysomnography, EEG analyses, snoring detection and avoidance, positional therapy, sleep studies
- Climbing: Instrumented climbing holds, real-time feedback, biomechanics
- Neurorehabilitation: Clinical studies with neurological patients, application of novel robotic technologies.