Prof. Dr. Denis Burdakov
Area of Interest
Prerequisites a student should comply with
Either strong background and interest in computational neuroscience and/or interest in cellular and behavioural neuroscience.
Recommended master courses (Electives I+II of Learning Agreement of the Major)
Human Movement Science and Sport
227‐0385‐00 Biomedical Imaging
227‐0386‐00 Biomedical Engineering
376‐0202‐00 Neural Control of Movement and Motor Learning
376‐0221‐00 Advanced Topics in Neural Control of Movement
376‐1217‐00 Rehabilitation Engineering I: Motor Systems
376‐1219‐00 Rehabilitation Engineering II: Rehabilitation of Sensory and Vegetative Functions
376‐1306‐00 Clinical Neuroscience
376‐1660‐00 Scientific Writing, Reporting and Communication
376‐1719‐00 Statistics for Experimental Research
376‐1720‐00 Application of MATLAB in the Human Movement Sciences
Medical Technology
227‐0393‐00 Biosensors and Bioelectronics
376‐1217‐00 Rehabilitation Engineering I: Motor Systems
376‐1219‐00 Rehabilitation Engineering II: Rehabilitation of Sensory and Vegetative Functions
376‐1279‐00 Virtual Reality in Medicine
376-1504-00 Physical Human-Robot Interaction
401‐0629‐00 Applied Biostatistics
227-1035-00 Dynamische Systeme in der Biologie
227-1037-00 Introduction to Neuroinformatics
376-0202-00 Neural Control of Movement and Motor Learning
376-1305-01 Neural Systems for Sensory, Motor and Higher Brain Functions
376-1306-00 Clinical Neuroscience
227-1051-00 Introduction to Systems Neuroscience
376-1414-00 Current Topics in Brain Research
376-1307-00 Translational Neuroscience
Research projects of the group
Our lab offers projects within two interrelated research themes:
1) Neural algorithms for successful behavior – investigating how fundamental features of neural circuit dynamics and connectivity produce successful and appropriate actions.
2) Nutritional neuroscience – investigating effects of different diets on brain function, in particular cognition.