Dr. Peter Wolf

Area of Interest

  • Robot-aided motor learning
  • Sports engineering

Tutor for Major MSc HST:

  • Medical Technology
  • Human Movement Science and Sport
  • Rehabilitation and Inclusion
Dr. Peter Wolf


Dr. Peter Wolf
Lecturer at the Department of Health Sciences and Technology
  • GLC G 21.1
  • +41 44 632 71 09
  • Email

Dep. Gesundheitswiss. und Technol.
Gloriastrasse 37/ 39
8092 Zürich

Prerequisites a student should comply with

Solid background in biomechanics, mechatronics and coding as well as an interest in applied science and interdisciplinary work.

Recommended master courses (Electives) of Learning Agreement of the Major)

Human Movement Science and Sport:
227‐0386‐00 Biomedical Engineering
376-​0202-00 Neural Control of Movement and Motor Learning
376‐0204‐00 Trainingswissenschaften
376-​0224-00 Clinical Exercise Physiology
376-​0225-00 Physical Activities and Health
376-​1150-00 Clinical Challenges in Musculoskeletal Disorders
376‐1168-00 Sports Biomechanics
376‐1719‐00 Statistics for Experimental Research
376-​1720-00 Application of MATLAB in the Human Movement Sciences

Medical Technology:
151-0641-00 Introduction to Robotics and Mechatronics
227-0981-00 Cross-Disciplinary Research and Development in Medicine and Engineering
252-0312-00 Mobile Health and Activity Monitoring
261-5120-00 Machine Learning for Health Care
363-​0790-00 Technology Entrepreneurship
376‐0202-00 Applied Human Research Project Management
376‐1217‐00 Rehabilitation Engineering I: Motor Systems
376-​​1504-​00 Physical Human Robot Interaction
376-1400-00 Transfer of Technologies into Neurorehabilitation
376‐1651‐00 Clinical and Movement Biomechanics
401‐0629‐00 Applied Biostatistics

Research projects of the group

We focus on concurrent feedback strategies, i.e., information on performance given during movement execution, and on concepts that automatically switch between feedback modalities to promote efficient, individualised learning of complex motor tasks. Measurement-wise, we are currently focusing on rowing and climbing, and we are interested in supporting both amateur and professional athletes with our newly developed tools.