Doctoral Commission
The Doctoral Commission (“Doktoratsausschuss”) acts on behalf of the Department Conference D-HEST (DK) and reports to it regularly.
Current Members
- Prof. Dr. Stephen Ferguson (Chair)
- Prof. Dr. Nicholas Bokulich
- Prof. Dr. Denis Burdakov
- Prof. Dr. David Wolfer
- Prof. Dr. Marcy Zenobi-Wong
- Elaboration of guidelines for doctoral studies at D-HEST
- Provision of statements to the Vice Rector for the Doctorate’s office concerning additional admission requirements
- Approval of changes in qualifying examinations
- Approval of external theses projects
- Review and approval of research plans
- Decision on simplified admission procedure, e.g. recognition of former achievements/credit points – on request of the supervisor
- Approval of co-examiners
- Proposals to the Rector’s office for the awarding of doctoral theses with the ETH Silver Medal