Regl. 2024: Majors

In the Master's degree programme in Food Science and Nutrition, a specialization (major) is selected.

Students who have completed or are completing the Bachelor's programme in Food Science or Food Science and Nutrition at ETH Zurich choose one of the listed majors at the beginning of the Master's programme. All other students must choose a specialization when applying for admission to the programme.

Students may change the specialization in the course of the master's programme. Only students with a Bachelor's degree in Food Science or Food Science and Nutrition from ETH Zurich are free to choose a specialization. For all other students, a change of specialization requires the written consent of the Director of Studies. He/she may refuse a change if there are important reasons.

The following two majors are available for selection:


Food Science and Technology

The engineering component is emphasized in the core subjects. The selection is supplemented with courses from the field of food safety. The large selection of pro-file subjects enables students to create a personalized educational profile. This is rounded off with minors and electives.

Nutrition and Health

The nutritional science component is emphasized in the core subjects. The selec-tion is supplemented with courses from the field of food safety. The large selection of profile subjects enables students to create a personalized educational profile. This is rounded off with minors and electives.

Course categories

Each Major comprises the following course categories:

  • Core subjects, which make up the main part of the major (min. 12 CP)
  • Profile subjects, which teach tools and methods to refine the training profile of the chosen specialization (min. 22 CP)

List of courses

The course lists can be seen in the current Study Guide (see Documents).