New professorship successfully launched
The ETH Foundation reports on Patrick Rühs' professorship, which began in June of this year at the Institute of Food, Nutrition and Health (IFNH).
Could Listening to Colored Noise Help You Get More Sleep?
AARP.org writes about the benefits of sound for insomnia. Caroline Lustenberger, lecturer and group leader at the Department of Health Sciences and Technology, shares her findings.
The CYBATHLON 2024 in the media
Verschiedene Medien berichten über den CYBATHLON, der vom 25. bis 27. Oktober 2024 in der Swiss Arena in Kloten stattfindet.
Have Swiss scientists made a chocolate breakthrough?
BBC.com reports on a new healthier chocolate being developed at ETH Zurich.
Less damage caused by alcohol consumption
Various media report on the gel developed by the Food and Soft Materials Laboratory, which breaks down alcohol in the gastrointestinal tract without harming the body.