Wollscheid Group

Chemical and Systems Biology
We focus on the development of a qualitative and quantitative understanding of the cellular surfaceome as a complex signaling gateway to the microenvironment.
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Group News
De novo Classification of Mouse B Cell Types using Surfaceome Proteotype Maps
Interested in a new way of classifying B Cell types then have a look at a recently paper from our lab which is now on BioRxiv.
In silico surfaceome paper was recommended by F1000
The article "The in silico human surfaceome" has recently been published in PNAS and now has been recommended by the F1000 member Alejandro Schaffer to be of special significance in its field.
Thanatin targets the intermembrane protein complex required for lipopolysaccharide transport in Escherichia coli
Congrats to the Robinson lab and Maik Müller for getting their paper out about the molecular mechanims of action of thanatin, natural occuring antimicrobial peptide that kills Gram-negative bacteria.
We moved our lab
Together with the rest of IMSB we moved our lab to new a building, which meant 2-fold increase in office and lab space. We now got space to separate office and lab work, so we now can enjoy a coffe while doing bioinformatic analysis without atleast fearing that the coffe is contaminated. The move also meant we now got dedicated space for clinical proteomic work. You can now find us in the HPM2 building on the D floor for the clinical facilities and F floor for the research facilities.
In silico human surfaceome published!
Congrats to the Wollscheid lab to get their paper on predicting cell surface proteins published in PNAS!