Teaching Diploma Sport

The Teaching Diploma (LD) for secondary (Matura) schools in the subject Sport is an additional education to the Master degree (resp. to a completed diploma programme) in the area of didactics, practical sports and sports science.

The Teaching Diploma is usually obtained for one subject. It is possible to obtain more than one Teaching Diploma.

Further information on the didactics education at ETH Zurich is available on the website Didactics Education (in German).

The Teaching Diploma bestows the right to teach sport at the high school level.


  • The scope of the didactics education is 60 credit points (approximately 1800 hours of study).
  • The required study time corresponds to about three semesters of full time study and can take a maximum of six years.


  • ETH and University of Zurich students can already start these studies after the Bachelor graduation.
  • The education can run parallel to the master studies, the doctoral studies or to work commitments.
  • Depending on the degree held, additional practical sports and sport science requirements may have to be fulfilled.


The courses for the Teaching Diploma are held in German.

Further information can be found on the additional pages Lehrdiplom Sport (in German).