Aptitude Colloquium

Only applicable to doctoral students who enrolled on 1 January 2022 or later

D-​HEST Doctoral Administration is closed:

01.08.2025 - 31.08.2025 and 22.12.2025 - 11.01.2026 → No doctoral examinations or aptitude colloquia can be held during these periods.

Within twelve months after provisional admission, the doctoral student defends the doctoral plan in an aptitude colloquium. The deadline for taking the aptitude colloquium is given in the admission letter and can also be viewed in myStudies.

In the colloquium, the aptitude committee examines whether the candidate is qualified to independently carry out a research project and write a doctoral thesis. The subject of the examination is the research project described in the doctoral plan.

Passing the aptitude colloquium is a condition for definitive admission to the doctorate.

Aptitude committee

The aptitude committee is composed as follows:

  • the chairperson (Member of the department’s doctoral commission or another person appointed by this commission. --> Check our professors' availabilities in the shared Outlook calendar "Doctoral Examination D-HEST" and choose a professor. Alternatively, you can ask a professor of D-HEST directly (all professors of D-HEST can act as chairs except professors of practice). Inform the Doctoral Administration of D-HEST when a chairperson is found.)
  • the doctoral thesis supervisor
  • the second advisor

The Doctoral Commission can appoint additional members to the aptitude committee on request.

Organisation of the aptitude colloquium

Doctoral students organise their aptitude colloquiums themselves. It usually takes place in the rooms of the doctoral thesis supervisor. Or you may make a room reservation at https://www.lehrbetrieb.ethz.ch/raumanfrage/login.view or raumreservation@ethz.ch

Please inform the Doctoral Administration D-HEST, Mrs. Farida D’Addario (doctorate@hest.ethz.ch), about your aptitude colloquium with the following details:

- Date and time
- Format (on site, hybrid or online). Please send a Zoom link if not on site.
- Room number and location (ETH Zentrum, ETH Hönggerberg, Irchel etc.)
- Chair of your aptitude committee

Please make sure you have registered your second advisor with the ETH doctoral administration: https://ethz.ch/studierende/de/doktorat/second-advisor.html

The aptitude colloquium can be organised as video conference by Zoom. The candidate is responsible for the organisation of the video conference. Please refer to the external page workflow by ETH Multimedia Services.  

Deadline extensions

An extension of the deadline for the aptitude colloquium is possible with the consent of the department’s doctoral commission and the Vice Rector for the Doctorate. Requests for extension must always contain a statement by the doctoral thesis supervisor.

A request for extension must be handed in at least 30 days before the deadline expires to the Doctoral Administration D-HEST at doctorate@hest.ethz.ch.