Prof. Dr. William R. Taylor

Area of Interest

Movement Biomechanics

Tutor for Majors MSc HST:

  • Human Movement Science and Sport
  • Medical Technology
Enlarged view: William R. Taylor


Prof. Dr. William R. Taylor
Full Professor at the Department of Health Sciences and Technology
Head of Dep. of Health Sciences and Technology / Deputy head of Institute for Biomechanics
  • GLC H 16.2
  • +41 44 633 05 95
  • Email

Institut für Biomechanik
Gloriastrasse 37/ 39
8092 Zürich

Prerequisites a student should comply with

The Laboratory for Movement Biomechanics welcomes students who have a strong interest in all aspects of human movement and loading patterns during daily activities and sport in order to understand musculoskeletal loading and overloading, including physiological and pathological movement patterns, injury mechanisms, as well as approaches to improve sporting performance. I target students who have affinity towards biomechanics, including medical devices, biomechanical technology and computational methods. Students should possess a solid background in coding and mechanics, while an interest in physics, mathematics, electronics is also advantageous.

Recommended master courses (Electives I+II of Learning Agreement of the Major)

Human Movement Science and Sport:

227‐0386‐00 Biomedical Engineering
376‐0131‐00 Praktikum Biomechanik
376‐0203‐00 Bewegungs‐ und Sportbiomechanik
376‐0204‐00 Trainingswissenschaften
376‐0206‐00 Biomechanik II
376‐0905‐00 Funktionelle Anatomie
376‐1168‐00 Sportbiomechanik
376‐1217‐00 Rehabilitation Engineering I: Motor Functions
376‐1308‐00 Development Strategies for Medical Implants
376‐1651‐00 Clinical and Movement Biomechanics
376‐1660‐00 Writing, Reporting and Communication
376‐1719‐00 Statistics for Experimental Research
376-1720-00 Application of MATLAB in the Human Movement Sciences
376‐1974‐00 Colloquium in Biomechanics
376‐2017‐00 Biomechanik von Sportverletzungen und Rehabilitation

Medical Technology:

363-0790-00 Technology Entrepreneurship
376‐0131‐00 Praktikum Biomechanik
376‐1217‐00 Rehabilitation Engineering I: Motor Systems
376‐1308‐00 Development Strategies for Medical Implants
376‐1397‐00 Orthopaedic Biomechanics
376‐1651‐00 Clinical and Movement Biomechanics
376-1660-00 Writing, Reporting and Communication
376‐1974‐00 Colloquium in Biomechanics
401‐0629‐00 Applied Biostatistics

Research projects of the group

Primarily based on the biomechanics of human movement and functional performance including:

  • examination of skeletal and joint implant kinematics using motion capture and fluoroscopic techniques
  • investigation of sport performance and musculoskeletal injury mechanics
  • non-invasive assessment of bone adaptation to functional demands
  • examination of kinematic and kinetic perturbations to neuromotor control and outcome
  • remote systems for the sensitive assessment of pathological movement patterns