Successful D-HEST Translational Research Day

On Monday, February 3, the 7th Research Day of the Department of Health Sciences and Technology took place. A highlight this year was the involvement of cooperation partners from industry and from the clinics.

The event "Research Day" is a long-standing tradition at D-HEST. It offers a great opportunity for members of the department to come together and learn about each other's research activities. This year, for the first time, partners from industry and clinics were also invited. Researchers from over 30 groups gave short presentations of their latest work, followed by insightful talks from experts from the industry and clinics. Translation was the common thread running through the event.

In addition, the 4th James Mitchell Award for Excellence in Collaborative Science was presented to this year's winner Sarah Meissner at the Research Day.

More about the D-HEST Translational Research Day