Master's Degree Graduation Ceremony Agricultural and Food Sciences: Online

Due to the corona pandemic, this year's Master's Celebration of Agricultural and Food Sciences was held on August 28 without an audience and was broadcast live from the Audimax. About 90 graduates watched the livestream together with friends and relatives from home this year.


The live broadcast from the Audimax was officially opened by Prof. Susanne E. Ulbrich, Director of Studies Agricultural Sciences. In the keynote speech, Prof. Bernard Lehmann, Vice Chairperson HLPE, Committee on World Food Security and Nutrition, FAO/IFAD/WFP (formerly: Professor of Agricultural Economics ETH, Director BLW), gave an insight into his career and gave the graduates some thoughts for their start into professional life.

Eight prizewinners were invited to receive their awards in the Audimax, and with the exception of Nora Migliazza, Simon Leupi and Carlotta Sartori, all were personally present:

  • Willi Studer Prize for the best degrees in 2019:
    • Agricultural Sciences: Marc Chautems
    • Food Science: Nora Migliazza
  • ETH medals for outstanding master's theses:
    • Agricultural Sciences: Zoe Bernasconi and Marius Hodel
    • Food Science: Meret Suter
  • Hochdorf Prize for a master's thesis in Food Science: Olivia Appert
  • SGLWT Prize for a master's thesis in Food Science, focus on food technology: Johannes Burkard
  • Wilhelm Schaumann Prize for a master's thesis in Agricultural Sciences: Simon Leupi
  • Vontobel Prize for an outstanding doctoral thesis in Agricultural Sciences: Carlotta Sartori

The award ceremony was followed by an entertainment section prepared by the graduates. In their "1 against 80" quiz, Prof. Robert Finger (Agricultural Sciences) and Prof. Shana J. Sturla (Food Science) answered the questions of the quiz master, against 80 graduates each. All of them scored well!

The highlight of the online celebration was the virtual congratulatory sequence with photos and short videos which the graduates had taken at home and gave free rein to their creativity.

The celebration was led by highly professional and multilingual Lukas Roder, graduate in Food Science, and Camille Rubeaud, graduate in Agricultural Science. And the Bernese dialect rock band "uñdicht" provided the musical accompaniment with their unmistakable style.

The cermony was recorded and is available on the video portal of ETH Zurich.