Awards for Master students in Health Sciences and Technology
At the Master celebration of the study programm Health Sciences and Technolgy, held in the main building at ETH Zurich on 20 May 2022, the following prizes were awarded:
Congratulations go to:
Willi Studer prize
Dominique Stark, MSc ETH HST, for the best overall average garade in 2021.
ETH medals
ETH medals were awarded for outstanding master's theses:
Pratheba Kandasamey, MSc ETH HST, thesis title: «Orexin Neuron Involvement in Energy Prediction», supervised by Prof. Dr. Christian Wolfrum, Dr. Daria Peleg-Raibstein, and Prof. Dr. Denis Burdakov
Alexandra Kellenberger, MSc ETH HST, thesis title: «Contribution of microbiota depletion to metabolism is independent of brown and brite adipocytes», supervised by Prof. Dr. Christian Wolfrum and Dr. Challa Tenagne Delessa
Tamara Wyss, MSc ETH HST, thesis title: «In vivo analysis of human iPSC-derived microglia in the developing zebrafish brain: a new model to study neurological disorders», supervised by Dr. Isabella Zanini, Prof. Dr. Francesca Peri, and Prof. Dr. Johannes Bohacek