Awards for Master students in Food Science

At the Master celebration of the study programmes Agricultural Sciences and Food Science, held in the main building at ETH Zurich, the following prizes were awarded to graduates in Food Science:

Congratulations go to:

Willi Studer prize

Eileen Ott, MSc ETH Lm, for best overall average garade 2021.

ETH medals

Julia Baumgartner, MSc ETH Lm, thesis title: "Simulation-based Characterization of a Pulsed Electric Fields System", carried out under the supervision of Prof. Alexander Mathys and Dr. Leandro Buchmann

Sandra Martinek, MSc ETH Lm, thesis title: "On-demand liquid crystalline tactoids generation using microfluidic device", carried out under the supervision of Prof. Raffaele Mezzenga and Dr. Ines Kutzli


Sophie Hofer, MSc ETH Lm, thesis title: "Material design for microbe-food interaction", carried out under the supervision of Prof. Peter Fischer and Dr. Patrick Rühs


Ann-Sophie Palm, MSc ETH Lm, thesis title: "Microalgae protein isolates as novel emulsifiers : Interfacial stability and tension under different emulsion conditions",carried out under the supervision of Prof. Alexander Mathys and Dr. Pascal Bertsch.