Research Day 2012

Hörsaal Tag der Forschung

The Research Day of the Department of Health Sciences and Technology was held for the first time on 4 June 2012. It was an opportunity for the members of the newly founded department to meet and get an overview of the various research fields and activities.

More than 80 doctoral students from the four research areas Medical Engineering, Movement Sciences and Sport, Food and Nutrition, and Neurosciences presented their doctoral theses in 2 minute speed presentations. Additionally lab tours offered an inside view into the world of Food Scientists. Postdocs had the opportunity to find out about possible coorperations during the Graduate Session.

With over 300 registered participants the first Research Day was a success and is now a regular annual event of the department.


Prof. Dr. Roland Siegwart, Vice President Research and Corporate Relations, opened with welcoming words the first Research Day of the Department of Health Sciences and Technology.

As guest speaker, Dr. Klara Sekanina, Commission for Technology and Innovation CTI, was invited.

More than 80 doctoral students presented their theses in speed presentations of 2 minutes. Additionally lab tours offered an inside into the world of Food Scientists. Postdocs had the opportunity to find out possible coorperations with the remaining research areas during the Graduate Session.

A Panel Discussion concluded the First Research Day. Participants were the keynote speaker, a representative of each research area, and a doctoral student. The discussion was headed by Prof. Dr. Ralph Müller.

The closing apéro riche offered the opportunity for networking and discussions about new ideas for joint research projects.