Prof. Dr. Laura Nyström

Prof. Dr.  Laura Nyström

Prof. Dr. Laura Nyström

Full Professor at the Department of Health Sciences and Technology

ETH Zürich

Inst.f. Lebensm.wiss.,Ern.,Ges.

LFO F 19

Schmelzbergstrasse 9

8092 Zürich


Additional information

Research area

Laura Nystroem, D. Sc. (Food Sciences) graduated from the University of Helsinki, Finland in 2002, finished her doctoral studies in 2008 in Food Chemistry, and continued her career as a postdoctoral researcher (2008-2009) in the group of Cereal Technology (University of Helsinki). After working as a tenure track Assistant Professor (2009-2016) and Associate Professor (2016-2021) of Food Biochemistry at ETH Zurich, Switzerland in, she was promoted to her current position as Full Professor of Food Biochemistry (2022-) at the same university.

The current research of Dr. Nyström’s group is centered around healthy and sustainable foods and food ingredients through exploration of the health promoting constituents and their mechanisms of action, together with an improved and diversified use of plant-based materials for food production thereby improving food safety and food security. Together with her team Prof. Nyström is developing sensitive analytical methods for the study of molecular interactions of soluble dietary fibres with nutritionally relevant ligands and applies these to explore the underpinning mechanisms of health benefits of various dietary fibres.

Further research in her group relate to study of genetic diversity of grains as well as utilization of new crops and industrial side streams for food use and ingredient extraction. Their research on extraction of antioxidants from olive mill side streams to improve circularity and sustainability along with quality of food products recently led to the formation of Gaia Technologies GmbH, a startup company aiming to commercialize olive antioxidant extracts for use in food and cosmetics.

Dr. Nyström has published over 70 publications, 3 book chapters, 2 patent applications and over 70 contributions in international conferences. She is the recipient of 2012 Euro Fed Lipid Young Lipid Scientist Award, 2015 Young Scientist Research Award of the AACC International, 2015 Starting Grant from European Research Council (ERC), 2017 Young Scientist Research Award of the American Oil Chemists’ Society (AOCS), and 2018 Art of Leadership Award (ALEA) of ETH Zurich. Since 2022 she is acting as Chair of the Department of Health Sciences and Technology (D-HEST).

Laura Nyström is Full Professor at ETH Zurich. She joined ETH Zurich as Assistant Professor of Food Biochemistry at the Department of Health Science and Technology in 2009, and was promoted to Associate Professor with tenure in 2016 before being promoted Full Professor in 2022.

She was born in Toijala, Finland, in 1977.

She completed an MSc in food sciences at the University of Helsinki, Finland, in 2002 and continued as a doctoral student at the same university.

In 2008 she obtained a doctorate (DSc) in Food Sciences.

Course Catalogue

Spring Semester 2025

Number Unit
752-1000-AAL Food Chemistry I
752-1004-00L Laboratory Course in Food Chemistry
752-1022-00L Selected Topics in Food Chemistry
752-1030-00L Food Biochemistry Laboratory
752-1101-AAL Food Analysis I
752-1101-00L Food Analysis I