Dr. Alessandro Blasimme
Dr. Alessandro Blasimme
Lecturer at the Department of Health Sciences and Technology
Additional information
Curriculum Vitae ac Studiorum
Alessandro Blasimme, PhD
Google Scholar Profile: https://scholar.google.ch/citations?user=jFjs6n0AAAAJ&hl=en
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5908-2002
Academic Appointments
2022- Visiting Professor, La Sapienza University of Rome (Italy)
2019- Senior Scientist (permanent) in Ethics and Epistemology of Medicine – Department of Health Sciences and Technology – ETH Zurich.
2017- 2019 Senior Researcher II at «Health Ethics and Policy Lab» - Department of Health Sciences and Technology – ETH Zurich.
2015 – 2017 Postdoctoral researcher at «Health Ethics and Policy Lab» - University of Zurich (Switzerland) - Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute (EBPI).
2014 Fulbright-Schuman Research Fellow at STS Program, Kennedy School of Government – Harvard University (USA)
2012 – 2015 Postdoctoral researcher at INSERM, (French National Institute of Health and Medical Research) – Université Paul Sabatier (Toulouse), Faculty of Medicine, Department of Public Health (UMR1027).
Recent Highlights
- Abilitazione scientifica nazionale II fascia: 11/C2 (Logic and Philosophy of Science); 06/A2 (General and Clinical Pathology).
- Visiting Professor, La Sapienza University of Rome (Italy).
- ERA-NET Neuron (ELSA) grant “Optimizing the ageing brain? Situating Ethical Aspects of Dementia Prevention (BEAD)”; PI (2021-2024).
- Fondation Botnar grant “Enabling digital health promotion in low-to-middle income countries”; PI (2021-2023).
- Stavros Niarchos Foundation Bioethics Academy – Faculty (2019-)
- IDEA League Doctoral School on Ethics of Science and Technology. Co-creator and faculty member.
2012 PhD in Bioethics: FOLSATEC department (Foundations of Life Sciences and their Ethical Consequences), European School of Molecular Medicine, University of Milan, Italy. Dissertation: Regenerative Medicine and the Governance of Stem Cell Innovation. Advisors: Prof. Giuseppe Testa (SEMM, Milan) and Prof. Herbert Gottweis (University of Vienna). Examiners: Prof. Pier Paolo di Fiore and Prof. Andrew Webster. Outcome: Excellent.
2007 Master (2nd level) in Practical Ethics and Bioethics – “La Sapienza” University of Rome, Faculty of Philosophy and Faculty of Science. Grade obtained: 110/110 cum laude.
2006 Degree in Philosophy (Laurea) – “La Sapienza” University of Rome, Faculty of Philosophy. Dissertation Title: “Deliberative Democracy: Dealing with Moral Disagreement in the Public Space”. Supervised by Professors Virginio Marzocchi and Francesco S. Trincia. Grade obtained: 110/110 cum laude.
Training in Molecular Biology
2009-2011 FOLSATEC PhD Student in Giuseppe Testa’s lab (Histone methylation in stem cell renewal and lineage commitment - project : Epigenetics of Cellular reprogramming) at IEO (European Institute of Oncology), Milan, Italy.
2008-2009 Visiting PhD student in: Francesco Blasi’s lab (Transcriptional mechanisms in development and tumor formation); Simona Polo’s lab (Regulation of protein function by monoubiquitination); Giuliana Pelicci’s lab (Biology and signal transduction of normal and cancer stem cells). IFOM-IEO Milan, Italy.
Additional Training
February 2019 Teaching course “Learning to teach”. ETH Zurich.
January 2019 Basics of Regulatory Affairs in Medtech. ETH Zurich and LifeScience Zurich.
November 2018 Teaching course “Foundations of Teaching and Learning”. ETH Zurich.
June 2012 Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, UK. Summer School: “Translational Genomics Pipeline: from populations to individuals”.
August 2008 EMBL Heidelberg, Germany. European Science & Society Summer School (E4S) on “Deconstructing and Reconstructing life: from classification to design”.
Individual awards
2021 Visiting Professor, La Sapienza University of Rome (Italy).
2016 Two-year post-doctoral research grant from the Région Midi-Pyrénées (France) for conducting research on the ethical aspects of prevention in aging-related research and public health interventions (2016-2017).
2014 Fulbright-Schuman Research Scholar to Harvard University, Kennedy School of Government, STS Program.
2013 Two-year post-doctoral research grant from the Région Midi-Pyrénées (France) for conducting research on the ethical aspects of the governance of stem cell-based medicine (2013-2015).
2011 Award by the European Science Foundation (COST action). Visiting fellow to Kings’ College London, UK, Department of Political Economy, Visiting fellow. (Project: Comparative governance analysis of stem cell translational research).
2011 Fondazione Umberto Veronesi doctoral scholarship (awarded March 30th, 2011).
Research Grants
· WHO focused grant “Digital contact tracing” (2020-2021); co-PI
· Fondation Botnar one-off grant “Enabling digital health promotion in low-to-middle income countries”; PI
· ERA-NET Neuron (ELSA) grant “Optimizing the ageing brain? Situating Ethical Aspects of Dementia Prevention (BEAD)”; PI
· SNSF NRP 77 grant (2020-2023) “Digital health: a policy roadmap for Switzerland”.
Full conception and preparation of the application; PI.
· H2020 PRECISE4Q grant (2017-2021). Multi-dimensional predictive modelling to personalize stroke treatment.
Participation in the conception and preparation of the application; work package co-PI.
· PHRT (Personalized Health Related Technologies) grant: MIDATA Platform for Citizen Participation in Personalized Health Research (2017-2020).
Participation in the conception and preparation of the application; work package co-PI.
· PHRT (Personalized Health Related Technologies) project DPPH: Data Protection in Personalized Health (2017-2020).
Participation in the conception and preparation of the application.
· NRP 75 BEHALF project on ethical issues raised by biomedical uses of big-data. Funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (2017-2020).
Participation in the preparation of the application.
· IMI SPRINT-T project (2014-2019). Funded by the European Commission and by the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA).
Conception and preparation of the application for the part relative to ethical and societal issues. Individual recipient.
· EUcellLex FP7 coordination Project. ‘Cell-based regenerative medicine : new challenges for EU legislation and governance’ (2014-2016). Co-PI
· Grant from the Brocher Foundation (Geneva): «Making sense of clinical translation: ethical, regulatory and policy challenges for Europe and the US». Held at Foundation Brocher, Geneva (Switzerland), May 18-19, 2015.
Full conception and co-preparation of the application. PI.
· European Science Foundation exploratory workshop grant: «Regulating stem cellbased regenerative medicine: new ethical challenges for Europe» - held at Université Paul Sabatier, Faculty of Medicine – Toulouse (France), Aril 1-3, 2014.
Full conception and preparation of the application. PI.
Fig.1 Bibliometric information. Source: Google Scholar (as of April 2023)
- Andreoletti, M., Blasimme, A. (2023). Accelerated approval: meeting the ethical yardstick. Bioethics. In press
- Vayena, E., Blasimme, A., Sugarman, J. (2023). Decentralised clinical trials: ethical opportunities and challenges. The Lancet Digital Health. In press
- Landers, C., Blasimme, A., Ormond, K., Vayena, E. (2023) Talking ethics early in health data public private partnerships. Journal of Business Ethics. In press.
- Landers, C., Vayena, E., Amann, J. and Blasimme, A., 2023. Stuck in translation-stakeholder perspectives on impediments to responsible digital health innovation. Frontiers in Digital Health, 5, p.8.
- Nittas, V., Daniore, P., Landers, C., Gille, F., Amann, J., Hubbs, S., Puhan, M.A., Vayena, E. and Blasimme, A., 2023. Beyond high hopes: A scoping review of the 2019–2021 scientific discourse on machine learning in medical imaging. PLOS Digital Health, 2(1), p.e0000189.
- Andreoletti, M., Lazzaroni, C., Petersen, N., Segawa, S., Leibing, A., Schicktanz, S. and Blasimme, A., 2023. Optimizing the Aging Brain: The BEAD Study on the Ethics of Dementia Prevention. The Journal of Frailty & Aging, pp.1-6.
- Ferretti, Agata and Vayena, Effy and Blasimme, Alessandro, Unlock Digital Health Promotion in LMICs to Benefit the Youth (January 26, 2023). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4338613 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4338613
- Amann, J., Vayena, E., Ormond, K.E., Frey, D., Madai, V.I. and Blasimme, A., 2023. Expectations and attitudes towards medical artificial intelligence: A qualitative study in the field of stroke. Plos One, 18(1), p.e0279088.
- Nittas, V., Daniore P., Landers, C., Gille, F., Amann, J., Hubbs, S., Puhan, M., Vayena E., Blasimme A., 2023. Beyond high hopes: A scoping review of the recent scientific discourse on machine learning in medical imaging. Plos Digital Health. in press.
- Landers, C., Vayena, E., Amann, J., Blasimme, A. 2023. Stuck in translation: stakeholders perspectives on digital health innovation. Frontiers in Digital Health. 10.3389/fdgth.2023.1069410 in press.
- Blasimme, Alessandro, Machine Learning in Paediatrics and the Childs's Right to An Open Future (December 7, 2022). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4295917 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4295917
- Hutler B*, Blasimme A*, Gur-Arie R, Ali J, Barnhill A, Hood A, Kahn J, Perkins NL, Regenberg A, Vayena E. 2022. Assessing the Governance of Digital Contact Tracing in Response to COVID-19: Results of a Multi-National Study. Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics. Accepted.
- Blasimme, A., 2022. Regenerative Medicine, Unproven Therapies and the Framing of Clinical Risk. In Extraordinary Risks, Ordinary Lives (pp. 91-117). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
- Blasimme, A., 2022. The ethics of geriatric care. Pathy's Principles and Practice of Geriatric Medicine, 2, pp.1459-1465.
- Vayena, E. and Blasimme, A., 2022. A systemic approach to the oversight of machine learning clinical translation. The American Journal of Bioethics, 22(5), pp.23-25
- Schneider M, Vayena E, Blasimme A 2021. Digital bioethics: introducing new methods for the study of bioethical issues. Journal of Medical Ethics. 10.1136/medethics-2021-107387
- Blasimme A., Boniolo G., Nathan M. 2021. Rethinking ageing. History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences. DOI 10.1007/s40656-021-00446-y
- Blasimme A., Vayena E., 2021. Towards adaptive governance in big data health research. In Laurie G., Dove E. et al. (eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Health Research Regulation, Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781108620024.https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108620024.032
- Blasimme A., Canevelli M., Cesari M. 2021. Shifting the focus of dementia prevention: ethical considerations. American Journal of Bioethics – Neuroscience. 12(4), pp.240-242
- Blasimme A., Ferretti, A., Vayena, E. 2021. Digital contact tracing against COVID-19 in Europe: current features and ongoing developments. Frontiers in Digital Health. In press.
- Aarden E., Marelli, L., Blasimme A. ,2021. The translational lag narrative in policy discourses in the United States and Europe: a comparative study. Humanities & Social Sciences Communications. 8:107 | https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-021-00777-y
- Ferretti, A., Ienca, M., Sheehan, M., Blasimme, A., Dove, E.S., Farsides, B., Friesen, P., Kahn, J., Karlen, W., Kleist, P. and Liao, S.M., 2021. Ethics review of big data research: What should stay and what should be reformed?. BMC Medical Ethics, 22(1), pp.1-13.
- A. Blasimme, 2021. The plasticity of ageing. History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43, 67. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40656-021-00414-6
- A. Blasimme, M. Canevelli, F Rufo (2021), Criteri etici per l’accesso alle cure intensive: un esame critico (Ethical criteria for accessing intensive care: a critical examination). Bioetica. (in press)
- A. Blasimme. Intelligenza artificiale e medicina digitale (Artificial intelligence and digital health). In Fossa, Schiaffonati, Tamburini (eds.). Automi e persone: Introduzione all’etica dell’intelligenza artificiale e della robotica. 2021. ISBN 9788829011704
- Blasimme A., Ethics in geriatric medicine. In Cesari, M. , Arosio, B. Vellas, B. et al. (eds.) Pathy’s Principles and Practice of Geriatric Medicine, 6th edition. Wiley-Blackwell, Haboken (NJ), USA. Forthcoming 2021.
- Blasimme A. Play at your own risk: Patients’ agency and the ethical transformation of experimental risk in biomedicine. In Świtek B, Swee H and Abramson A (eds.), Ordinary extraordinary: Ethnographies of risk, limits and exposure, Palgrave, London. 2021.
- Canevelli, M., Vanacore, N., Blasimme, A. et al. Overtreating Alzheimer’s Disease. J Prev Alzheimers Dis (2021). https://doi.org/10.14283/jpad.2020.74
- A. Blasimme, Brall C., Vayena E. 2020. Reporting findings from genetic research to individual participants – ethical recommendations for the Swiss context. Frontiers in Genetics 11 (2020).
- Amann J., Blasimme A., Vayena E., Frey D., Madai V. 2020. Explainability for Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: A Multidisciplinary Perspective. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 20(1)1-9.
- A. Blasimme, Vayena E. 2020. “What’s next for COVID19 apps? Governance and oversight” Science 370(6518) 760-762.
- Gille F., Axler R., Blasimme A. 2020. “Transparency About Governance Contributes to Biobanks’ Trustworthiness: Call for Action.” Biopreservation and Biobanking. https://doi.org/10.1089/bio.2020.0057
- Gille F., Vayena E, Blasimme A (2020). Futureproofing Biobanks’ Governance. European Journal of Human Genetics, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41431-020-0646-4
- Blasimme A. and Vayena E. (2020). The Ethics of AI in Biomedical research, patient care and public health. In Dubber M., Pasquale F. and Das S. (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Ethics of Artificial Intelligence, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. ISBN 9780190067397.
- Blasimme A., Caminiti D., Vayena E. (2020). The regulation of human germline genome modification in Switzerland. In Boggio A., Romano C., Almqvist J. (eds.), Human Germline Modification and the Right to Science: a Comparative Study of National Laws and Policies. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. ISBN 9781108499873.
- Blasimme A., Caminiti D., Vayena E. (2020). The regulation of human germline genome modification in France. In Boggio A., Romano C., Almqvist J. (eds.), Human Germline Modification and the Right to Science: a Comparative Study of National Laws and Policies. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. ISBN 9781108499873.
- Blasimme A. (2020), Producing health: Georges Canguilhem and the contemporary clinical discourse about aging. In Méthot P.O. (ed.) Vital Norms: Canguilhem's "The Normal and the Pathological" in the Twenty-First Century, Hermann, Med ϕ, Paris. ISBN-13 : 979-1037006523.
- Blasimme A., Mind’s frailty: elements of a geriatric logic in the clinical discourse about dementia prevention. In Leibing A. and Schicktanz S., (eds.), Preventing Dementia, Berghahn, New York and Oxford. (2020). ISBN-13: 978-1789209099
- Blasimme, A. (2019). Why include the public in deliberations of genome editing governance? AMA Journal of Ethics, 2019;21(12):E1017-1020. doi: 10.1001/amajethics.2019.1017.
- Blasimme, A. and McConnell, S. (2019). Ethics, values and responsibility in human genome editing. AMA Journal of Ethics, 2019;21(12):E1065-1070. doi: 10.1001/amajethics.2019.1065.
- Tournay, V., Jacomy, M., Necula, A., Leibing, A., Blasimme, A. (2019). A new web-based big data analytics for dynamic public opinion mapping in digital networks on contested biotechnology fields. Omics – J of Integrative Biol. 23(0), 1-14. Doi: 10.1089/omi.2019.0130.
- Blasimme A., Vayena E., van Hoyweghen I. (2019). Big data, precision medicine and private insurance: a delicate balancing act. Big Data & Society 2019/3:6(1).
- Hauserman T., Fadda M., Blasimme A., Tzavoras B, Vayena E. Genes wide open: data sharing and the social gradient of genomic privacy (2018). American Journal of Bioethics – Empirical Bioethics.
- Adjekum A., Blasimme A., Vayena E. (2018). Elements of trust in digital health systems: a scoping review. Journal of Medical Internet Research. DOI: 10.2196/11254.
- Blasimme A. (2018). L’intelligence artificielle en medicine: quel role pour la réflexion éthique? In Christian Hervé and Michèle Stanton-Jean (eds.), “Innovations en santé publique, des données personnelles aux données massives: Aspects cliniques, juridiques et éthiques” (129-136). Editions Dalloz, Paris. ISBN: 978-2-247-18001-1.
- Fadda M., Jobin A., Blasimme A., Tzavoras B., Price Ball M., Vayena E. (2018).User perspectives of a web-based data sharing platform (Open Humans) on ethical oversight in participant-led research: protocol for a quantitative study. JMIR research protocols 7 (11), e10939.
- Vayena E., Blasimme A., Cohen I.G. (2018). Machine learning in medicine: addressing ethical challenges. PLoS Medicine15(11): e1002689.
- Ferretti A., Schenider M., Blasimme A. (2018). Machine learning in medicine: opening the new data protection black-box. European Data Protection Law Review, 4(3): 320-332.
- Blasimme A., E. Vayena, E. Hafen (2018). Democratizing health research through data cooperatives. Philosophy & Technology, 31(3):473-9.
- Blasimme A., M. Fadda, M. Schneider and E. Vayena (2018). Data Sharing for Precision Medicine : Policy Lessons and Future Directions. Health Affairs 37(5): 702-9.
- Vayena E., A. Blasimme (2018). Health Research with Big Data : Time for Systemic Oversight. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 46(1): 119-29.
- Ienca M., E. Vayena, A. Blasimme (2018). Big data and dementia : charting the route ahead for research, ethics and policy. Frontiers in Medicine 5:13. Doi: 10.3389/fmed.2018.00013..
- Vayena E., A. Adjekum, T. Hauserman, A. Blasimme (2018). Digital health: meeting the ethical and policy challenges. Swiss Medical Weekly 148 :w14571.
- Vayena E., A. Blasimme (2017). Biomedical Big Data : New Models of Control over Access, Use and Governance.Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 14(4): 501-13.
- Flatt J., A. Blasimme and E. Vayena (2017). Improving the measuurment of scientific success by reporting a self-citation index. Publications 5(3), 20.
- Blasimme A., C. Moret, S. Hurst, E. Vayena (2017). Informed consent and the disclosure of clinical results to research participants. The American Journal of Bioethics 17(7): 58-60.
- Hauserman T., B. Greshake, A. Blasimme, D. Irdam, M. Richards, E. Vayena (2017). Open sharing of genomic data : who does it and why ? Plos One 12(5), e0177158.
- Blasimme A. (2017). Healthcare meets big data : the science and politics of precision medicine. In A. Blanchard and R. Strand (eds.). “Social, Ethical and Economic Aspects of Cancer Biomarkers”. Megaloceros Press. ISBN : 978-82-91851-04-4
- Blasimme A. (2017). Governare il genoma: sapere e sovranità nei recenti sviluppi dell’ingegneria genetica (Governing the genome: knowledge and sovereignty in the debate on CRISPR/Cas9). Notizie di Politeia XXXIII(126): 92-102.
- Blasimme A. (2017). Physical frailty, sarcopenia and the enablement of autonomy: philosophical issues in geriatric medicine. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research. February 29(1): 59-63.
- Canevelli M., A. Blasimme, and M. Cesari (2017). Societal and global implications of the ‘dementia epidemic’, Eur J Epidemiol, 32(4): 347-8.
- Blasimme A., and E. Vayena (2016). Becoming partners, retaining autonomy: ethical considerations on the development of precision medicine. BMC Medical Ethics 17:67.
- Blasimme A., and E. Vayena (2016). “Tailored to you”: Public engagement and the political legitimation of precision medicine. Perspectives in Biology & Medicine, volume 59, number 2 (Spring 2016): 172-188.
64. Canevelli M., A. Blasimme, N. Vanacore, G. Bruno, and M. Cesari. (2016). Mild Behavioral Impairment: Ethical, Methodological and Clinical Reflections. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews. 69: 402-3.
65. Miller J., A. Caplan, A. Blasimme (2016). Designing clinical trials for new drugs: ethics, governance and reputational challenges. Clinical Researcher. DOI: 10/14524/CR-15-0045
66. Bortolotti L., C. Sandis and A. Blasimme (2016). With power comes vulnerability. In Sarah Chan (ed.) "Humans and Other Animals: Challenging the Boundaries of Humanity". Bloomsbury Academic. ISBN 1780932189.
67. Blasimme A. et al. (2015). Genome editing and dialogic responsibility: what’s in a name? American Journal of Bioethics OPC. 15(12): 54-57.
68. Bousquet J., D. Kuh, M. Bewick, […], A Blasimme et al. (2015). Operational Definition of Active and Healthy Ageing (AHA): A Conceptual Framework. The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging, Nov. 19(6): 955-60.
69. Bousquet J., D. Kuh, M. Bewick, […], A Blasimme et al. (2015). Operative definition of active and healthy aging (AHA). European Geriatric Medicine 6(2): 196-200.
70. Bousquet J., J. Malva, M. Nogues, […], A Blasimme et al. (2015). Operational Definition of Active and Healthy Ageing (AHA): the European Innovation Partnership (EIP) on AHA Reference Questionnaire. JAMDA, 16(12): 1020-1026.
71. Canevelli M., A. Blasimme et al. (2015). From Evidence to Action: Promoting a Multidimensional Approach to Mild Cognitive Impairment. JAMDA, 16(8): 710-1.
72. Canevelli M., A. Blasimme et al. (2014). Issues about the use of subjective cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s disease research. Alzheimer & Dementia 10(6):881–2.
73. Rial-Sebbag E. and A. Blasimme. (2014). The European Court of Human Rights ruling on unproven stem cell therapies: a missed occasion? Stem Cells and Development 23(S1):39–43.
74. Blasimme A. Terapie cellulari e questioni etiche in medicina rigenerativa [Ethical issues in cell therapy and regenerative medicine]. In Boniolo, G., and P. Maugeri. (2014). Etica alle frontiere della biomedicina : per una cittadinanza consapevole (Milan: Mondadori Università). ISBN : 8861843123.
75. Canevelli M., P. Piscopo, G. Talarico, N. Vanacore, A. Blasimme et al. (2014). « Familial Alzheimer’s disease sustained by presenilin 2 mutations: Systematic review of literature and genotype–phenotype correlation ». Neurosci. Biobehav. Rev. 42, 170–179.
76. Canevelli, M., Piscopo, P., Talarico, G., Vanacore, N., Crestini, A., Tosto, G., Troili, F., Blasimme, A., Lenzi, G.L., Confaloni, A. and Bruno, G., 2014, January. Phenotyping familial Alzheimer's disease caused by presenilin 2 mutations. In JOURNAL OF ALZHEIMERS DISEASE (Vol. 41, pp. S10-S11).
77. Blasimme A., C. Sandis and L. Bortolotti (2014). Two approaches to animal ethics and the case of great apes. In Wild and Petrus (eds.) "Animal Minds and Animal Ethics: Connecting Two Separate Fields" (pp. 269-294). Trascript Verlag.ISBN 978-3-8376-2462-5
78. Canevelli M., and A. Blasimme. (2013). Next-generation phenotyping and genomic incidental findings: Beyond the parkin example. JAMA Neurol. 70(12): 1589–1590.
79. Blasimme A., and E. Rial-Sebbag. (2013). Regulation of Cell-Based Therapies in Europe: Current Challenges and Emerging Issues. Stem Cells Dev. 22(S1): 14–19.
80. Meslin E., A. Blasimme, A. Cambon-Thomsen. (2013). Mapping the translational science policy ‘Valley of death’. Clinical and Translational Medicine, 2:14.
81. Blasimme A. (2013). Translating Stem Cells to the Clinic: Scientific Societies and the Making of Regenerative Medicine. Quaderni, 81 Spring: 29-44.
82. Blasimme A., P. Maugeri, P.L. Germain. (2013). What Mechanisms can’t do: explanatory frameworks in molecular oncology. (2013) in Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, 44 (3), 374–384.
83. Fragola G., P.L. Germain, P. Laise, A. Cuomo, A. Blasimme et al. (2013). «Cell Reprogramming Requires Silencing of a Core Subset of Polycomb Targets». PLoS Genet 9(2): e1003292.
84. Anastasova V., A. Blasimme, S. Julia, and A. Cambon-Thomsen. (2013). «Genomic Incidental Findings: Reducing the Burden to Be Fair». The American Journal of Bioethics, 13 (2): 52–54.
85. Blasimme A., B. Schmietow and G. Testa. (2013). «Reprogramming potentiality: the co-production of stem cell policy and democracy». The American Journal of Bioethics, 13 (1): 30–32.
86. Bortolotti L., M. Mameli and A. Blasimme. (2013). «Sentience, Moral Relevance Of». In Lafollette H. (ed.) International Encyclopedia of Ethics. Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Doi: 10.1002/9781444367072.wbiee027.
87. Blasimme A., A. Soulier, S. Julia, S. Leonard, and A. Cambon-Thomsen. (2012). «Disclosing results to genomic research participants: differences that matter». The American Journal of Bioethics, 12 (10): 20–22.
88. Maugeri P. and A. Blasimme. (2011). «Humanised models of cancer in molecular medicine: the experimental control of disanalogy». History and philosophy of the life sciences, 33 (4): 603–621.
89. Blasimme A., A. Dröscher. (2011). History and Ethics of Stem Cell Research, In: eLS. Encyclopedia of Life Sciences (Ed.), John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, doi: 10.1002/97840470015902.a0022664.
90. Blasimme A. (2011). Governare la biomedicina: l'etica della ricerca scientifica come questione pubblica (Governing biomedicine : research ethics as a public issue). Paradigmi, XXXIX, n. 1 – Jan-Apr.
91. Blasimme A., L. Bortolotti (2010). Intentionality and the welfare of minded non-humans, in Teorema, 29(2), pp. 83-96.
92. Blasimme A. (2008). La scienza, la bioetica e la crazione di ibridi e chimere (Science, Bioethics and the Creation of Hybrids and Chimeras), Bioetica. Rivista interdisciplinare, 16, n. 1, pp. 21-45. Reprinted in F. Rufo, (ed.), Il laboratorio della Bioetica, Ediesse, Roma, 2011.
Editorial coordination
- Coordinator of WHO Report on Digital Technologies in the Context of the Pandemic Emergency. With Jeff Kahn and Effy Vayena. (2020-2021)
- Guest editor of History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences special issue on aging (with Marco J. Nathan, 2021).
- Guest editor of AMA (American Medical Association) Journal of Ethics themed issue on genome editing (2019).
Teaching (selection)
Fall 2022 Graduate seminar in bioethics. La Sapienza University of Rome (Italy). Visiting professor.
2022-present Health Data and AI: Responsible Innovations, Ethics and Regulatory Strategies. ETH Zurich Summer School.
2022-present CAS Pharmaceuticals from Research to Market – ETH Zurich
2021 – present Ethics of the life sciences and biotechnology (376-1661-00L). ETH Zurich.
2021 – present The European Center of Pharmaceutical Medicine (University of Basel) course on Frontiers in Drug Development: “Digital health and innovative regulation”.
2021 – present 752-2101-00L Lebensmittel-Sensorik (ETH Zurich). “Ethics in sensory science”.
25 March, 2021 Singapore Management University, Ethics Lectures Series: The ethics of digital contact tracing.
2020 - present University of Bern, CAS in Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging. Faculty member: ethical aspects.
2020 - present CAS in Research Methodologies in Nutrition (ETH Zurich). Faculty member: research ethics.
2020 - present IDEA League Doctoral School on Ethics of Science and Technology. Concept co-creator and faculty member.
2018 – present «Ethics in Medicine and Healthcare». ETH Zurich (377-0405-00V). Co-preparation and delivery of the course.
20-24 January, 2020 Invited faculty on the Ethics of Genetics at Winter School in Bioethics. University of Bologna (Italy), Faculties of Medicine and Philosophy.
21 November, 2019 Invited lecture on Science and Public Policy. Alliance4tech Winter School on Ethics and Technology. Politecnico di Milano (sede di Lecco, Italy).
2019 – present Digital Life Workshop (ETH Zurich). 851-0745-00L. Every semester.
21-28 September 2019 International Summer School on Promotion of Health and Wellbeing. Towards a new Culture of Health: Changing concepts and perspectives. Faculty member.
22 August, 2019 Digital Life Summer School (ETH Zurich). Faculty member.
2019 – present Starvos Niarchos Foundation Bioethics Academy (Athens, Greece). Faculty member.
February 27, 2019 University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine, Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute (EBPI): Invited PhD seminar «Introduction to bioethics».
2018 – present Introduction to Bioinformatics - «Ethics». ETH Zurich (551-1299-00L). Co-preparation and delivery of the course.
September 27, 2018 European Society of Pharmacogenomics and Personalised Therapy – ESPT Summer School, Geneva. Lecture on «Ethical implications related to biobanking and big data».
June 22, 2018 University of Zurich, Clinical Research Center (ZKF), Certificate of Advanced Studies in Clinical Trial Management. Lecture on «Informed consent: history and theory».
June 21, 2018 PhD Program in Public Health, Swiss School of Public Health, Bern (Switzerland). Lecture on «Emerging ethical issues in translational research».
May 3, 2018 Master level course “Science and ethics: inputs from neuroscience, genetics and evolution” – University of Geneva (Switzerland). Lecture on «Artificial intelligence in medicine».
November 23, 2017 University of Zurich, Clinical Research Center (ZKF), Certificate of Advanced Studies in Clinical Trial Management. Lecture on «Informed consent: history and theory».
September 28, 2017 ETH Zurich, Depratment of Biology. Block Course on Translational Medicine and Bio-entrepreneurship. Lecture on «Research ethics».
June 20, 2017 PhD Program in Public Health, Swiss School of Public Health, Bern (Switzerland). Lecture on «Emerging ethical issues in translational research».
June 7, 2017 University of Zurich, Clinical Research Center (ZKF), Certificate of Advanced Studies in Clinical Trial Management. Lecture on «Informed consent: history and theory».
April 29, 2017 University of Zurich, PhD program in Molecular and Translational Biomedicine. Lecture on «Ethical issues in personalized medicine».
April 6, 2016 University of Zurich, Faculty of Law, Course on ‘Big Data: Technology, Law and Ethics’. Lecture on «Algorithms & Medicine».
November 18, 2016 University of Zurich, Clinical Research Center (ZKF), Certificate of Advanced Studies in Clinical Trial Management. Lecture on «Informed consent: history and theory».
June 10, 2016 University of Zurich, Clinical Research Center (ZKF), Certificate of Advanced Studies in Clinical Trial Management. Lecture on «Informed consent: history and theory».
April 20, 2016 University of Zurich, PhD program in Molecular and Translational Biomedicine. Lecture on «Ethical issues in personalized medicine».
March 2016 University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine, Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute (EBPI): PhD seminar on «Ethical issues in P4 medicine».
November 20, 2015 University of Zurich, Clinical Research Center (ZKF), Certificate of Advanced Studies in Clinical Trial Management. Lecture on «Informed consent: history and theory».
July 27 – August 1, 2014 Harvard University, STS Program. Summer School: «Science and Governance at the Frontiers of Life». Invited tutor and lecturer.
December 18, 2013 TIGET (Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy) – San Raffaele University of Milan, Faculty of Medicine. Invited lecture on «Innovation and the Ethics of Clinical Research».
July 2013 Doctoral School in “Biology, Health Care and Biotechnology”, Université Paul Sabatier – Toulouse, France. Lecturer in bioethics.
April 2011 «La Sapienza» University of Rome – “Charles Darwin” Department of Biology and Biotechnology. Lecturer on «Regenerative medicine: translational research and governance».
2010-2011 Università degli Studi di Milano, School of Medicine and Faculty of Biological Sciences. Lecturer in Bioethics.
2010-2011 Università degli Studi di Milano. Graduate School in Cognitive Sciences and Decisional Processes. Lecturer in Bioethics.
2009-2010 «La Sapienza» University of Rome, “Charles Darwin” Department of Biology and Biotechnology. Lecturer in «Science policy and democracy».
June 2008 «La Sapienza» University of Rome, Master in Bioethics. Lecturer in «Bioethics and the Life Sciences».
March 2008 Professional University of Switzerland (SUPSI), Master in Medical Humanities (Bellinzona). Lecture on «Ethical issues at the beginning of life and the problems of personal identity».
2007-2008 «La Sapienza» University of Rome, Faculty of Medicine, School of Nursing and Obstetrics. Preparation and delivery of the course: «Foundations of applied moral philosophy».
Academic Events Attended as Speaker or Keynote
- December 3, 2022 – Invited speaker. Antropologia della salute: nuovi approcci e prospettive. “Prospettive teoriche per una comprensione culturale della prevenzione”. La Sapienza University of Rome (Italy).
- June 15, 2022 – Keynote speaker. SCTO Symposium “Data science and artificial intelligence in clinical research”. Lugano (Switzerland).
- May 27, 2022 – Invited panel – Good practices and ethics in in silico medicine and eHealth”. 6th VPH Summer School. Barcelona (Spain).
- March 24, 2022 – Keynote speaker. P2M Rouen International Symposium – Rouen School of Health Sciences (France): Ethical Shifts in the Digital Medicine Era.
- December 7, 2021. Invited panel. WHO / Privacy International panel discussion on use of AI in diagnosis and risk-based diagnosis.
- December 7, 2021. Invited keynote. ETH Risk Center seminar. «The evolving nature of genetic risk: ethical considerations».
- November 8, 2021. Invited speaker. «AI and biomedical innovation: an ethics roadmap». European Biobanking Week – EBW2021 – BBMRI-ERIC.
- February 15, 2021. Invited speaker. «Advancing Digital Health Governance». Lider Lab – Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa, Italy.
- February 11, 2021. Invited speaker. «Public Engagement and the Governance of Science». AAAS Annual meeting.
- February 2, 2021. Invited speaker. «The Governance of Research Biobanks». BBMRI ELSI Services & Research.
- October 29, 2020. Selected speaker: «Interpreting medical algorithms: opacity, explainability and the epistemology of future medicine». International conference on ‘Conceptual and methodological aspects of biomedical research. Charles University of Prague, Czech Republic.
- May 7, 2020. Invited Speaker: «Ethics and responsibility in artificial intelligence». Symposium on Responsible Research and Innovation. Sapienza – Università di Roma, Italy
- February 28, 2020. Invited speaker: «L’etica come competenza professionale: riflessioni sull’integrazione del sapere umanistico in biomedicina». Società Italiana di Scienze Umane in Medicina (Sapienza – Università di Roma, Italy).
- December 13, 2019. Invited speaker: «Biomedical epistemologies of aging and care». International workshop in philosophy of medicine “Rethinking aging”. Civitas Vitae Research Center, Padova (Italy).
- December 5, 2019. Invited speaker: «L’intelligenza artifciale in medicina: aspetti bioetici». Programma Regionale di Screening per il tumore della mammella: Assessorato alla Sanità Regione Piemonte, Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino, Centro di Riferimento per l’Epidemiologia e la Prevenzione Oncologica in Piemonte (Ospedale Molinette – Torino, Italy).
- November 20 , 2019. Invited keynote:. «L’intelligenza artifciale al servizio della salute: questioni etiche ed epistemologiche» META department - Politecnico di Milano (Italy).
- October 16, 2019. Invited keynote: Negotiating data and health in the digital age. 20th anniversary PEALS lecture on Civic Engagement. Policy, Ethics and Life Sciences (PEALS) research Center, Newcastle University (UK).
- November 12, 2018. Invited speaker: «The systemic oversight model for (big) data governance». Workshop: Applying adaptive governance to emerging technologies in health. Brocher Foundation, Geneva (Switzerland).
- October 3, 2018. Invited speaker: «The systemic oversight model for (big) data governance» Global Alliance for Genomics and Health – 6th Plenary Meeting. Basel (Switzerland).
- September 29, 2018. Invited speaker: «Trajectories of life and decline: some remarks on the pathologization of the normal». Prevention of dementia: past present, expectations. Montreal University (Canada)
- September 24, 2018. Invited speaker: «Big data and digital health in aging research: ethical implications». MouseAGE Meeting. Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome (Italy).
- September 14, 2018. Invited speaker: «The systemic oversight model for (big) data governance». Basel LIFE Innovation Forum. Basel (Switzerland).
- September 7, 2018. Invited speaker: «The systemic oversight model for (big) data governance». Digital Health: what’s next? ETH Zurich (Switzerland).
- July 6-7, 2018. Invited speaker: «Trajectories of life and decline». Prevention: the past, present and (near) future of dementia research, Univeristy of Göttingen (Germany), Department of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine.
- May 17-18, 2018. Keynote address : «Online genomes : privacy and its governance in the digital world». 3rd GENMED workshop on Medical Genomics, Institut Pasteur, Paris (France).
- May 8, 2018. Invited speaker to Health Affairs “Precision Medicine Briefing”: «Data sharing for precision medicine: policy lessons and future directions». National Press Club, Washington DC, USA.
- March 19-20, 2018. Invited speaker: «Intelligence artificielle, éthique et santé : nouvelles pistes et nouveau défis». Faculty of Medicine, Université Paris Descartes, Paris (France).
- January 26, 2018. Keynote lecture : «La bioéthique comme profession : reflexions sur la science et le destin de l’humain». Faculty of Medicine, Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse III, Toulouse (France).
- June 28, 2017. Invited speaker : «Precision medicine: paving the way for responsible data access and governance» (with Effy Vayena). Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing (PASC) Conference 2017. Lugano (CH).
- June 14, 2017. Invited speaker : «Biomedical big data and the case for systemic oversight» (with Effy Vayena). Cybersecurity challenges in healthcare : ethical, legal and social aspects (CANVAS workshop series – Health sphere). Brocher Foundation – Geneva (CH).
- March 18, 2017. Invited expert, speaker and moderator : «Ethical issues in dementia». WHO meeting on ‘Developing an ethical framework in relation to ageing and health’ – Tübingen (Germany).
- March 16-17, 2017. Selected poster : «Les éxperiences différentiées d’une catégorie sanitaire. Apports de l’analyse sociologique à la notion de fragilité». With Alfonsina Faya Robles. Fragilité du sujet âgé et prévention de la perte d’autonomie. International congress, Paris (France).
- January 19, 2017. Invited speaker : «Ethical and legal aspects of Big Data». Big Data, Radiomics & Precision Medicine Symposium. Zurich University Hospital, Zurich (Switzerland).
- November 3, 2016. Invited speaker : « CRISPR/Cas9 : Ethical implications and social reactions». SUPRIO workshop (Bern, Switzerland).
- October 12, 2016. Invited speaker. « Digital selves : citizens, power and subjectivity in the age of big health data ». S.Net 2016 : The coproduction of emerging bodies, politic and technologies.
- October 11, 2016. Keynote lecture. « Towards precision medicine : oncology and the search for a new ethics of medical discovery ». Ethical and social aspects of cancer research. Center for Cancer Biomarkers (CCBIO), Bergen University, Norway.
- June 21, 2016. Invited speaker : « Tourisme cellulaire : marché, besoins et santé publique ». Cellules Souches : Mythes & Réalité. Institut Pasteur, Paris (France).
- June 13-14, 2016. Selected speaker (with Effy Vayena): « Privacy without (too much) confidentiality : ethical considerations for big data health research». Eight annual meeting of the Society for the Philosophy of Information, University of Ferrara (Italy).
- June 7-8, 2016. Invited speaker : «Ingegneria mirata del genoma : scienza, democrazia e governo dell’incertezza» (Targeted genome editing : science, democracy and the governance of uncertainty ). Symposium « Ripensare il rapporto tra scienza e democrazia » (Rethinking the relationship between science and democracy). La Sapienza University of Rome (Italy).
- April 29, 2016. Invited speaker : « Digital health, big data, and the dematerialization of the clinical self ». Symposium « The molecularization of identity : science and subjectivity in the 21st Century », Harvard University (Usa).
- April 11, 2016. Invited talk (with Effy Vayena) : « The Internet of Medical Things : ethical challenges and opportunities». « IEEE Cyber-Physical Systems week 2016» Vienna, Austria.
- January 23, 2016. Invited speaker : « Etica e sperimentazione animale in biomedicina : questioni aperte tra filosofia e innovazione » (Ethics and animal experimentaiton in biomedicine : open issues between philosophy and innovation). Società Chimica Italiana (Italian Chemistry Society) Workshop « Etica e sperimentazioni scientifiche » (Ethics and clinical experimentaion) . University of Pisa (Italy).
- December 14, 2015. Invited speaker : «CRISPR/Cas9. The governance of gene editing». CRISPR/Cas9 : Opportunities and Challenges for Society. ETH Zurich (Switzerland).
- December 5, 2015. Selected speaker : «Topographies of clinical transaltion : making sense of biomedical landscapes» (with E. Aarden, D. Holloway and L. Marelli). Living in Technoscientific Worlds, International Conference. University of Vienna (Austria).
- December 3, 2015. Invited speaker : «Gene editing and the Bel Paese : Thoughts about CRISPR/Cas9 in Italy». Sharing science, sharing values : the challenge of diversity. Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse (France).
- November 27, 2015. Invited as discussant: «Aspects éthiques et philosophiques de la fragilité» (ethical and philosophical issues in frailty). Declined. National conference on Vieillissement et Fragilité (aging and frailty), Paris.
- September 7, 2015. Selected poster: «Concerns about genome editing in the human germline» (with Mogens Thomsen and Anne Cambon-Thomsen). ByoSynSys 2015 Conference on Synthetic & Systems Biology. Université Paris Diderot (France).
- June 23-25, 2015. Selected speaker: «Clinical politics : new entanglements of life and power». International conference on Translation in Healthcare. University of Oxford (UK).
- June 23-25, 2015. Selected speaker : «Translation of stem cell therapies : between hope and uncertainty» (with E. Rial-Sebbag). International conference on Translation in Healthcare. University of Oxford (UK).
- March 19, 2015. Invited speaker : «Les thérapies cellulaires entre revendications sociales et politiques de l'espoir». Workshop of the French Society for Gene and Cellular Therapy, Paris (France),
- November 11, 2014. Invited speaker: «Global travels for stem cells: the politics of therapeutic consumerism». Global Life Sciences and Bionetworking: cell therapy production, provision and policies, International conference. University of Sussex – Brighton (UK).
- November 6, 2014. Selected speaker: «Play at your own risk: new biomedicine and the socio-technical transformation of experimental risk». The anthropology of risk, limits and exposure, International workshop. University College London – UCL (UK).
- July 24, 2014. Selected speaker: «Epistemic pluralism: prolegomena to a theory of science policy» (with Eric M. Meslin)International Political Science Association (IPSA) annual conference. Montreal (Quebec, Canada)..
- July 22, 2014. Selected speaker: «The politics of biomedical innovation: institutional instability and epistemic fragmentation» (with Emmanuelle Rial-Sebbag).International Political Science Association (IPSA) annual conference, Montreal (Quebec, Canada).
- June 14, 2014. Selected speaker: «The translational turn and the ethics of clinical risk» (with Virginia Sanchini). European Business Ethics Network conference, Berlin (Germany).
- April 4, 2014. Invited speaker: «Translational imaginaries: unproven stem cells and the politics of hope». Technological visions and re-visions, Workshop. Harvard Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge MA (USA).
- November 2013. Selected speaker: «Building Scenarios for Regulatory science and bioethics: the case of stem-cell medicine». UNSECO Chair in Bioethics 9th World Conference, Naples (Italy).
- September 15-18, 2013. Selected poster: Unproven Stem Cell Therapies: the Italian Job. ISSCR meeting: Stem Cells in Translation, Florence (Italy).
- March 9, 2013. Invited speaker. BBMRI-ESGI-SPEDIA workshop on quality standards for pre-analytical human samples, Berlin (Germany).
- October 17-20, 2012. Selected speaker: «Post-genomic cancer research: trajectories of convergence and innovation». Society for Social Studies of Science, 4S annual international meeting, Copenhagen (Denmark).
- June 25-27, 2012. Selected speaker: «Borders of validity: contesting epistemic and regulatory authority in stem cell innovation». Science and Democracy Network 11th annual meeting, IFRIS-CNAM, Paris (France).
- August 2011. Selected for oral presentation: «The ethics of intramural cancer clinical trials». 25th annual meeting of the European Society for the Philosophy of Medicine and Healthcare.
- November 7, 2011. Invited speaker: «Stem cell transational medicine: between science and politics». IFERISS - Institut Fédératif d’Etudes et de Recherches Interdisciplinaires Santé Société – Toulouse (France).
- June 30 – July 2nd, 2011. Selected speaker: «Towards epistemic sovereignty: strategic planning and democratic oversight in the age of post-liberal science». Science and Democracy Network 10th annual meeting. Harvard Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge MA (USA).
- May 25-27, 2011. Selected speaker: «When consent is not control: minority groups and the use of stored tissue samples». 2nd Stockholm Philosophy Graduate Conference, University of Stockholm (Sweden).
- April 2011 18-19. Selected speaker: «Stem cells in translation – self-governance and accountability in the quest for regenerative medicine». REMEDiE Conference in Bilbao (Spain).
- November 2010. Invited speaker: «A bioethical framework for transfusion medicine». University of Milan (Italy), School of medicine, Conference: Blood as a resource.
- September 6-11, 2010. Selected speaker: «Modeling cancer and the problem of disanalogy». First European Advanced Seminar in the Philosophy of the Life Sciences, Brocher Foundation, Geneva (Switzerland).
- April 13-15, 2010, Selected speaker: «Modelling diseases: the ontology and epistemology of model systems in molecular medicine». Progress in Medicine, international conference, Bristol University, Philosophy Department, Bristol, (UK).
- December 11-13, 2009. Selected poster: «Reprogramming Potentiality: from bench-side to society». Reprogramming Cell Fate, International workshop, IFOM-IEO Campus Milan (Italy).
- October 21-24, 2009. Selected speaker: «Modelling diseases : the ontology and epistemology of model systems in molecular medicine». EPSA (European Philosophy of Science Association), annual International Conference, Amsterdam (The Netherlands).
- June 12-15, 2009. Selected poster: «Prioritizing stem cells: the co-production of scientific success». ISSCR (International Society for Stem Cell Research) Annual Meeting, Barcelona (Spain).
- September 2-6, 2008, Selected speaker, Title: «Reprogramming Potentiality». First European Graduate Meeting in the Philosophy of Life Sciences, Gorino Sullam, Rovigo (Italy).
- Febuary 22, 2008. Invited speaker: «Ethical issues in GM crops and GM food». ResistVir Workshop on Transgenic plants in Europe: public acceptance and regulatory bottleneck, University of Vienna (Austria).
Other Academic Activities
· ETH representative for IDEA LEAGUE working group on ethics (2018-).
- Ethics and Regulatory representative of the Swiss Personalized Health Network within the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (GA4GH). 2020-
- Advisor to the SPHN Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (ELSI) advisory group. 2017-
· Grant reviewer for: Austrian Science Fund (FWF), Branco Weiss Foundation (CH), Canadian Stem Cell Network Policy Review Committee, Dutch Research Council, European Science Foundation, European Science Foundation-FWO, Swiss National science Foundation (SNF), European Research Council (ERC).
- Peer reviewer for (selection):
- Big Data & Society
- BMC Medical Ethics
- BMJ Open
- Body & Society
- Cambridge University Press – Bioethics and Law series
- Canadian Journal on Aging
- Disputatio
- Environmental Values
- European Data Protection Law Review
- European Journal of Human Genetics
- Frontiers in Oncology – Cancer Genetics
- History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences
- IEEE Transactions in Artificial Intelligence
- Information, Communication and Society
- Journal of Bioethical Inquiry
- Journal of Frailty and Aging
- Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences
- Journal of Law and the Biosciences
- Journal of Medical Ethics
- Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation
- Journal of Personalized Medicine
- Medicine, Healthcare & Philosophy
- Nature Genetics
- Neuroethics
- Notizie di Politeia
- Philosophy & Technology
- Plos Digital Health
- Plos ONE
- Regenerative Medicine
- Science
- Science As Culture
- Science, Technology & Human Values
- Sciences Sociales et Santé
- Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science (Part C)
- The Lancet – Digital Health
- Theoria
- Welcome Research Open
· Member of editorial board: JMIR-AI
· Associate editor: Frontiers in Genetics (ELSI in Science and Genetics) (2022-2024)
· Associate editor: Frontiers in Pharmacology (ELSI in Science and Genetics) (2022-2024)
· Associate editor: Frontiers in Digital Health (Health Technology Implementation) (2022-2024)
· Member of the executive board of the journal Mefisto: Collana di Storia, Filosofia e Studi Sociali della Biologia e della Medicina (ETS, Italy)
· Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Insitute – University of Zurich: in charge of organizing the departmental seminars (2015-2017).
· Member of editorial board: Journal of Frailty and Aging.
· Collaborator of the Bassetti Foundation for Responsible Innovation – Milan. http://www.fondazionebassetti.org/
· Contributor to http://www.scienzainrete.it/
· Contributor to http://scienzaedemocrazia.blogspot.com/
· Contributor to “The Bill of Health” blog – Harvard Law School.
Twitter: @a_blasimme
vertical_align_bottomCV PDFHonours
Year | Distinction |
2013 | Fulbright-Schuman fellowship (Harvard University) |
Course Catalogue
Spring Semester 2025
Number | Unit |
376-1663-00L | Climate, Ethics and Human Health |
377-0405-10L | Ethics in Medicine and Health Care |
511-0013-00L | Ethics in Research and Drug Development |
551-0132-00L | Practical Training in Bioinformatics |
851-0745-00L | Ethics Workshop: The Impact of Digital Life on Society |
877-0221-00L | Technology and Policy Analysis |