Alessio Amicone

Alessio Amicone

Alessio Amicone

Student / Programme Doctorate at D-HEST

ETH Zürich

Institut für Biomechanik

GLC H 23

Gloriastrasse 37/ 39

8092 Zürich


Additional information

Research area

Our research project focuses on advancing the understanding of tissue biomechanics, specifically the onset of failure in cartilage and cartilagineous tissues, by combining experimental tests with computer simulations. 


Alessio is a Doctoral student at Laboratory for Orthopaedic Technology, within the BioTrib project. He had a BCs degree in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Bologna in 2017, in Italy. He then joined an Erasmus+ traineeship experience at the INSIGNEO Institute for in silico medicine in Sheffield (UK). When he developed an interest towards the biomechanical and biomaterials branch of biomedicine, he decided to move towards the Politecnico di Milano (Milan, Italy), where, in 2020, he got his MCs degree in Biomedical Engineering, major in Biomechanics and Biomaterials.