Elisa Gabriela Bissacco
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Elisa Gabriela Bissacco
Studentin / Studiengang Doktorat D-HEST
- emailelisa.bissacco@hest.ethz.ch
- Tel: +41 44 632 83 37
- contactsV-Card (vcf, 1kb)
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Elisa received her undergraduate degree in Biomedical Engineering from University of Padua, Italy in 2016. She focused on the state of the art of tissue engineering applied to airway reconstruction and regeneration in Andrea Bagno’s lab during her Bachelor's thesis. She received her Master of Science degree in Bioengineering (Cells, Tissues and Biotechnologies program) from Politecnico di Milano in 2019 and did her Master's thesis in ‘Giulio Natta’' lab at Politecnico di Milano, surpevised by Prof. Silvia Farè, working on elctrospun matrices as in vitro models for skeletal muscle pathologies.